Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Mr.Prime Minister, there’s something seriously amiss about the positive image of India you created abroad? You see, while you were at it creating a repeat of the global positive image exercise in Benares, Maharashtra, Punjab, Goa and Yadav’s Puttar Pradesh, Indians were being slaughtered, racially abused and asked to go back Home. In the States and in New Zealand. As of now. Has the racial flare got to do with Obama vacating his Barack? Or Donald playing the America First Trump card? Or was there an image, any image, (even PR would do!), of India abroad? Or are they simply showing us our mirror image? Huh? As they say, even for a fraction of a digital ATM transaction, there’s a highly opposite and taxing reaction! #ATMDaro #AbKiBaarDeshBadalYaar

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