Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Sir, Happy American Independence Day! Unfortunately, North Korea launched an ICBM missile towards Japan today. Trump: ICBM? Ah, you mean, Iraq, China, Brazil, Mexico? I will handle them. Aren’t we building a 25-billion-dollar wall on the Mexican border already? Diplomat: Sir, ICBM means intercontinental ballistic missile, which can also hit the Hawaii. Trump: I know, I know, I know everything. How about bombing Iran to divert attention of the world? They have oil like Iraq and no weapons of mass destruction! Or how about supplying weapons and money to Pakistan for Mission Kashmir? Let Modi and Nawaz engage in war? Diplomat: Sir, USA cannot afford another war! Trump: mate, ya fail to understand, USA has never spent anything on war; the rest-of-the-world paid the price, and continues to do so?! #RoyalPolitrickallCircus #FhiteHouse

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