Friday, September 2, 2016

Tourists, visitors and travelers scheduled to arrive in Bombay from Monday, 05 September, onwards are requested to ascertain direction to their destination beforehand, since all direction signboards are likely to be covered with posters. After all, it’s the time of the year when Gods will reincarnate in Human form and welcome (“hardik swagat”, remember?) one and all! Please do not get carried away with finger-pointing photos of the Gods, since these are eternally misleading in all directions. Do notice the shape, size and thickness of God’s moustache and its evolution over time, as well as the jewellery worn by Goddesses, sufficient to feed India’s poor for 1000 years. Did you know, it takes an annual budget of about 35000 crore rupees to maintain these Gods? By the way, what did Mom say when I asked her about Govindas flouting the 20-feet dahi-handi guideline issued by the Supreme Court? She said, “keep quiet and don’t utter a word; don’t you know they’re Goliaths and you’re Hardly David Son?!”

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