Thursday, July 28, 2016

Shiva. It’s the holy month of Shravan. A month of faith. Belief. Prayers. O Shiva, grant me wisdom when power, position, money, fame and arrogance come-a-calling. May I always remember where my humble journey began, and the imperative of respecting every one, big or small, rich or poor, literate and the under-privileged. After all, nothing, absolutely nothing, is permanent in your Universe. May I always look at those who are lesser privileged than me and be THANKFUL to you, r...ather than constantly comparing myself to those who are well-to-do! May I always remember that the journey of a thousand vices begins with a single misstep. May I respect women as an epitome of Adi Shakti, your confidante. Respect beyond mere idol worship. Shiva. Temptations lure. Problems galore. Many a raging storms at the shore. It helps to turn to historical folklore; tried, tested and proven, on all occasions, they show how prayers can cure and give the courage to endure. For sure.

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