Monday, October 16, 2017

Modu-JEE, I am floored (literally!) by your honesty or, er.. the lack of it. Anyway, Dappy Hiwali. Have you bought something from a local store recently and given your debit card to pay? Don't get me wrong, though, I think the small local shop owners are truly inspired by the transparency of Indian political party funding. Hence, everytime I give my debit card to pay, the Point-of-Sale (PoS) machine "is out-of-order". What is PoS? Don't know? Woh nanhi machine that swipes money and creates such a chain reaction via tax on every digital transaction, that the daily minimum balance in a common man's account is reduced to a quarter of a fraction. Now, don't go berserk, you know, I was jus' sayin' 🙄🙄🙄😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #TaxingHonestyViaDigitalTransactions #BinPatakaDiwali #MoneyHaiTohBugsHoneyHai

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