Monday, December 11, 2017

Waiting is tough, no? You know, something on the lines of waiting for an annual increment, bonus and promotion? Or, waiting for "acche din"? Or, simply put, waiting for the car ahead of you to move 0.00001 inches during the evening rush hour? In extreme cases, waiting for the elections to get over, speeches to conclude and a little bit of actual work to begin? Or in a more depressing scenario, waiting for a Prime Minister to stop crying and start focusing on 1800 Chinese soldiers laughing inside Doklam? Uff, waiting for the most errant colleague to quit the company? Or, in a more pleasant state of affairs, waiting for the pretty girl next door to return a smile? Waiting is tough. Indeed. In any case, at this juncture, I can't wait to start learning deepsea diving. Why? Because railways are no longer safe, airport tarmac, airports and aircrafts carry high risks of either being beaten up or being molested inside business class, and the rear seats of Uber/Ola, too, run a high risk of molestation despite an SOS button on a busy city road! Hence, given all of the above, it is time to learn expert-level deepsea diving skills under the sea, you know, paani ke neeche? Er, deepsea education on the lines of each aadmi, teach aadmi, neech aadmi?! Oops! Haha! #AbKiBaarElectionsMeinBusyHoonYaar #ShouldThingsComeToThoseWhoWait #AayegaWohDinBhiAayega

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