Tuesday, December 19, 2017

This Saturday morning, I wish for your 2018 annual performance appraisal to be just like the election results of Gujarat and UP, where you remain the eternal indispensable thing in your Home, neighbourhood and in the company you work for. May your bosses and subordinates pin all their hopes and aspirations on you and may your hair never turn grey. May your families and friends remain so voted and devoted to you that they don't shy from training their gun and pun at one anothe...r. May you have amazing oratory skills, and much like TV stars and regional cinema actors and actresses turning Ministers, may you become the CFO, CEO and COO, all-in-one, irrespective of your past performance, horrid decisions, background and merit or the lack of it. In short, may the force, source and human resource be with you. Friday, 15 December 2017, Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Monday, 18 December 2017, Scar Wars: The Return of Modi 😂😂😂😂😂😂 #UncleEVMKyaHai #UncleAapNaHoteTohHamaraKyaHota #KaunBanegaRoarPati #RahulBabaReBaba #ConnedGressBhiJP

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