Monday, December 14, 2015

I am looking for a job. In Ahmedabad, though, I prefer to be based in Bombay, and commute aboard the Bullet train, daily. During monsoon, I will work from Home, since Bombay will become Chennai, and “Amdavad Fast, yard mein jaayegi". Ecocomically speaking, I feel the "Amdavad Fast" scores over about-to-crumble footover bridges, remarkably over-crowded-filled-to-the-brim compartments, leaking bogies, infested meals and accident-prone journeys. 4 elections, 18 announcements, and many “Bhoomi Khojan” later, the 7 metro routes in Bombay still remain on paper, since, “memorial” constructions are in-progress. Hence, I decided to make a job-change decision to please myself, Abe and Japan. Of course, a few billion-dollar questions linger: when will Nawaz become Sharif? When will Xi stop playing Pakistan’s Jinping? What is Vadra’s real estate of mind? Will Irani regain Smriti and come alive as Faketa Bharpoor’s “Bahu” after 5 years? What happens to Uddhav if Devendra becomes Narendra? Finally, the big question: will $15 billion still translate into Rs.98,000 crore given the rupee’s bullet train slide? Huh?

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