Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sire, She is a mother, sister, wife, friend, an adorable daughter to doting parents, colleague and above all, a free (?) citizen of a modern India (by the way, checked out rural hinterlands, eh?!), that commissions billion-dollar deals for fighter jets and submarines, envisages smart cities, speaks volumes of a technology-driven revolution, improved S&P (Standardised & Poor) ratings, reduced def-is-it?, improved GDP (Gross Domestic Poverty!), etc, and yet is unable to provide Her with a sense of security. Moga. Delhi. Bombay. Bangalore. Calcutta. Goa. Board a bus? Or train? Hail a cab? Use the elevator? 5-star or no-star. Kindergarten to Khar Market, the question lingers. Sire, Rafale speaking, as part of your extensive travel itinerary, it would be wise to include the "Chop Chop Square" in KSA and leverage their best practices to be customized and introduced in India; after all, Sire, a Happy Journey should always culminate into a desired destination, and not be misguided by an Uber app, huh?

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